How to Measure Inductance Easily?

It's common for engineers to use multimeters for measuring electronic circuit components. Inductance is an exception, but there are still manual methods for arriving at inductance values. An LCR meter gives you the best indicator of inductance value, but if this device is outside your toolkit, there are still other ways to measure inductance. Here's a look at the three main ways to measure inductance.
Method 1: Using A Resistor to Determine the Inductance
A standard method to measure inductance is comparing impedance to the resistor. You'll need to set up an inductor in series with a known high-precision resistor, such as a 100 ohm 1% resistor.
It helps to have an oscilloscope to view the relationship between resistance (R) and inductance (L) on the screen. "L" is used as a symbol for inductance on a schematic diagram because it was named after physicist Heinrich Lenz, who formulated the law of electrodynamics.
Using a function generator that connects with your oscilloscope, you can adjust the junction voltage of the application to be half the input voltage. Look for the duration between pulses, measured in milliseconds, then multiply it with the peak current, measured in amps.
The equation if you are measuring voltage peak to peak voltage across the resistor is:
L= R*sqrt(3)/(2*pi*f)
If you are measuring voltage peak to peak voltage across an inductor, the equation is:
L= R/(2*pi*f*sqrt(3)
Also read: Inductors Connected in Parallel: What to Expect
Method 2: Measuring Inductance with an LCR Meter
Understanding how to check an inductor with an LCR meter is very useful. LCR stands for inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R). Placing an inductor coil in parallel with the capacitor forms a tank circuit, which can then be placed in series with a resistor. Using a function generator to stimulate the course, you can make a calculation using this formula:
Method 3: Calculating Inductance On a Voltage-Current Slope
This final method is the most complicated because you'll need a pulse voltage sent across the inductor. Then you'll need to check the current using a high frequency to prevent saturation. This method requires a current probe as the current appears on the scope. The slope of the reading determines the inductance. It's measured by peak current divided by the on-time relay value.
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Inductors can be used to stop a current and allow a different current to flow. Understanding how to measure inductance is crucial to choosing the appropriate inductors for a circuit. Contact Allied Components International today to buy electronic kits or to learn about efficient circuit design.